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Bikebiz | For every rider

Do you have protection?

Kym Liebig

Fact; many riders start shopping for motorcycle crash protection shortly after they’ve phoned around to price new plastics. Sounds pretty stupid, but that’s how it goes, despite there being more choice than ever before in products that are very effective in preventing damage to fairing panels and other expensive breaky-offy bits.


So there are those who learn too late, and those who are yet to learn. Not so much optimists as denialists. Behaviour like this falls into that broad category of idiocy labeled “But I’m such a careful rider!” One careful rider on a road full of careless drivers and various other hazards. We share the road with a throng of motorists who are not nearly as concerned about ‘careful’ as they are about updating their Twitter feed on the fly. Crash, bang…wallet.


But back to those fairing panels for a moment. Let’s say you’ve suffered a lowside crash. Happily, you’re fine, but one side of your bike looks like it’s been speed dating at a belt sander convention. No worries, insurance will cover that! Maybe it will. But even if it does, have you noticed that in the new COVID world there are more parts delays than there used to be? Here’s hoping you’re creative with duct tape, because you might be left to make do with an ‘arts and crafts’ take on fairing repair for quite a few months.


And hang on a sec, what’s that on your boot? You don’t remember peeing yourself. It sure is warm and slippery, and smells like…oil. Oh shit. The same minor step-off that’s left your bike a cosmetic nightmare has also shattered an engine side cover. Now your bike’s lifeblood is all over the blacktop. What’s worse, amongst the humpty-dumpty mess that’s still bolted to your bike is a generous serving of gravel and debris. How much of that has made its way into your engine? The only way to know for sure will be some investigative mechanical surgery. Ker-ching!

Getting up to speed - crash protection in 2021

If it’s been awhile since you’ve paid any attention to the options available in motorcycle crash protection, things have some a long way. Back in the day, horrible one-size-fits-few, DIY protection kits were the only option. They were only ever purchased by early adopters who felt that ‘style’ and ‘motorcycling’ were mutually exclusive terms. Today’s protection is sleek, proven and created to fit specific makes and models perfectly, without any unsightly compromises.

Easy does it!

Big name makers of protection gear such as Oggy Knobbs, R&G and GB Racing are smart enough to know that the easier their gear is to fit, the more people will buy it. So frame sliders – very much a proven performer – tend to just bolt to substantial frame points, or fit using simple bracket kits. Fork protectors are easy, too. Likewise, engine case protection generally fits over the originals with just a few fasteners. Simples. Clear instructions go a long way to help, and if you’re not the type to lay spanners on your bike, any competent motorcycle mechanic will be able to do the job for you for a small cost.


Easy on the eye

Way back when protection gear was a brand new concept, it didn’t take the makers long to discover that products with all the visual charm of an accident in a skateboard factory simply didn’t sell. Today’s crash knobs are either streamlined and stunningly styled, or designed to blend in and be virtually invisible. Engine case protection, too, is generally subtly styled to look like an OEM part, or wearing go-faster looks and branding with plenty of positive visual impact. There’s no longer any need to compromise the looks of your ride simply because you’d like it to suffer less damage if the worst happens.


Testing times

There’s no better place to put protection to the test than at a racetrack where crashing is very much par for the course. Race teams place huge importance on their bikes being able to withstand a minor tumble and get going again without any significant damage having been suffered. Race organisers also take a very dim view of a crashed bike leaving an event-stopping trail of oil on the track when there’s a crash. So leading manufacturers of protective equipment – particularly engine protection – routinely test their designs at the track and apply their learnings to their designs.


Protection for everything

While frame sliders might still be the first thing most of us think of when bike protection comes to mind, it no longer ends there. Not by a long way. Today, along with frame sliders, frame armour and engine protection, you can choose fork sliders, swingarm spools/sliders and more, including lower chain protectors knows as ‘shark fins’, another race-inspired design that protects the bike and also helps prevent the rider’s toes or fingers being fed into the rapidly rotating rear sprocket. Of course complete protection kits suited to the bike you ride are available, too, for those who wish to go the whole hog and get it done in one go.

Who to trust in a tumble

There are dozens of el-cheapo knockoffs in the world of motorcycle crash protection, and then there are the brands that have been working to develop better products for years through exhaustive testing and development. Bikebiz stands behind a handful of quality brands that deliver the goods and produce a huge selection of model-specific protection.


Oggy Knobbs

Just about everyone’s heard of Oggies, the brand behind Oggy Knobbs frame sliders, Oggy Axles axle sliders, pickup knobs, case savers and complete protection kits. A solid choice with a great reputation.


R&G Racing

R&G Racing were one of the first outfits to decide that protection could actually look good. R&G’s range includes Classic and Aero Style crash protectors as well as frame skidders, fork protectors, bar end sliders, engine case protection and more, for a vast range of bikes including many older models.


GB Racing

Along with a tough and stylish range of frame sliders, fork protection and engine case protection, GB Racing have a knack for identifying items likely to be damaged in a crash, and creating dedicated protectors for them. These designs include items such as water pump and water pipe covers, timing case covers and much more. If your bike has any sticky-outy bits likely to cop it in a crash, chances are GB Racing have a protector for it that will help keep it safe. GB also offer complete, bike-specific protection kits.

The Bikebiz Parts Finder

As Australia’s leading motorcycle parts people, Bikebiz has a staggering choice of protection on offer in our online store. Happily, it’s now a snap to find what you need for your specific bike, using our Parts Finder feature. Just enter your bike make, model and build year and behold, the available gear will appear right away for easy browsing and purchasing so that you can get back to surfing YouTube sooner…


Crunch time?

Now that attractive, high quality, bike-specific gear is available for just about every motorcycle on the road, the argument for getting some protection is stronger than ever. There’s a lot to be said for saving your expensive fairings, frame and forks, as well as those surprisingly fragile engine casings. But perhaps the biggest saving you stand to make by investing in protection is in riding time. Life’s too short to waste prime riding weather waiting on parts and panels to slowly sail into port from the other side of the planet.


Finding out more about the protection available for your bike is as easy as visiting the Bikebiz website or contacting us. Meanwhile, stay safe and enjoy the ride!