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Back in the Saddle

Prue Mottram


SMSP had one of their first track days on Monday 8th June, and I was lucky enough to grab a spot on the afternoon session. With all that’s happening, things were run a little different, so I thought I’d give you all a run down on how things are running for now.

My contact details were requested as I got to the gate. After that, I rode down to the start of the pits where I was stopped, and told which garage I was allocated to as they were preassigned.  As I was a part of a large group (#teambikebiz) I was able to switch garages which I was very grateful for.

I then had to sign on. I filled out the standard form with all my details, details of the bike I was riding etc. Then, instead of a group meeting explaining the rules of the day, I was provided a simple instruction sheet explaining the flags, how the day worked and what to do in the event of an accident. I had to sign it and return it, and was able to ask any questions I may have. This eliminated the need to have 40 people in one tiny room, breathing the same air (Covid restrictions and all). I also received a sticker to put on the side of my helmet to record my track times. 

The day was split into a morning session and an afternoon session. I was in the afternoon session that started at 1pm. The numbers for each session were limited to about 40.

There were 3 groups;
The groups ran in this order as well.

The day then continued on as normal. The sessions were meant to be 20 minutes long, however a big crash at the start of the day set us back about 45 minutes, so the sessions became about 15 minutes. The day did move quite quickly with just 3 groups. You had time to grab a bite to eat and a bathroom break then you’re back on track! Smaller groups also meant smaller food and coffee line-ups which I’m always a fan of.

As usual there were accidents, from oil spills to cold tyres on a cooling track (although the announcer did remind riders several times to take it easy and warm their tyres up). The crew were quick on everything, and did re-run a couple of sessions so the affected group got their track day. As far as I’m aware, no one was severely hurt, only egos.

I have to admit, the smaller group numbers were great for me. Getting back on the track after 5 years, I was a tad slow. Less riders meant I wasn’t lapped that much and had way more confidence and was able to concentrate a lot better (isn’t muscle memory glorious?!).

Being Winter, the sun went down in the last session, and was in that horrible eye line on the last session, but that’s just the season, and the very reason I brought my clear visor with me.

The staff ran the day very well I think, and man oh man was it great to get back on the track! With racing kicking off potentially in September, racers should be able to get some good track time to dust off the cobwebs.

My legs were definitely a bit sore afterwards, even with the short sessions. I do hope that track days will go back to the way they were once run. I would prefer to make a day out of it, rather than a rushed afternoon.

Time will tell how things go, but for now, I’m just glad to be back in the saddle and on the track.

Spaces are booking up pretty quickly for the track days coming up. If you are interested, jump onto to book, or join the waiting list. Keep an eye out on their Facebook page and website for upcoming track days.

Another great way to get track time and improve your skills, is with a Training Day by MotoDNA. I’ve done these un the past and they’re great! You can check them out at

Ride safe and have a good one!

Got questions? Send me an email at